The Royal Norwegian Embassy, in New Delhi, held and participated in a series of festivals, performances and trade shows in India. This coincided with the year-long Ibsen Festival, also held in India. I worked closely with the embassy, creating invitations, programme brochures, posters and other collateral and promotional materials, including design, set-up, maintenance and breakdown/disposal of exhibition spaces.

The embassy had strict guidelines that had to be adhered to, so there was little room for creativity. There was a fair bit of behind-the-scenes skill required though. For example, the first cover below was a performance by three people, but the quality of images received from each of them, was very different!
I was chuffed to hear that on looking over the various covers I'd designed in the year (they were all mounted and framed in the embassy's conference room), the Ambassador asked "Were these all done by the same person, by Andy?"
On hearing the affirmative, she added, "He's clever, they are all unique."
Some additional programme covers: